Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Warming Breakfast Soup

Breakfast Soup

This is an easy peasy, fragrant soup that takes under 10 minutes to make and is a warming, light start to the day. I made one this morning, it didn't need any seasoning or stock and it leaves you feeling as though you've made a healthy, zen start to your day. Great textures with the soft mushrooms  and crunchy vegies.

Bean sprouts
1 Baby Bok Choy
Dried Shitake Mushrooms, half a packet*
Green snake beans, chopped
3 slices fresh ginger
Fresh Corriander
1 Bay leaf
No seasoning req'd

In a small saucepan, heat up some cold water. Add the beans, then the Cauliflower. A moment later add the broccoli, mushrooms, ginger and bay leaf. Wait for the mushrooms to soften slightly and throw in your snow peas and a moment later, place the chopped Bok choy on top so it steams slightly.
Rinse your bean sprouts and place them in a bowl, ladling the soup over the top.  The vegies should all be just cooked, with the Bok Choy and Snow Peas still crunchy. Tear up some corriander on top and there you go. I had mine with toast with macadamia spread.

*These dried Shitake Mushrooms are available in the Asian section of supermarkets. They are a great addition to soups, they have a lovely, chompy texture and when you soak them or place them in soup they create a great stock base.

1 comment:

  1. Don't know if I could do this for breakfast, but I'd love it for lunch!
