Monday, September 13, 2010


My sister named these funny little biscuits 'Humbles', because they are fairly basic and unassuming. Yummy though, particularly warm from the oven. I must confess I usually microwave them a little before I eat them later on, microwaving seems to make them more moist and yummy. This recipe is a little vague, this is how I tend to cook- throw it all in the bowl and mix till it forms like biscuit dough, you can't really go wrong.

1 cup GF SR flour or almond meal
1.5 cups rice flour
Vanilla essence, a good splash, don't be shy
Rosewater- about a third of one of the small   bottles, again, more is more here!
2 tbs DF Butter equivalent, I use Nuttelex
1 egg lightly beaten
Just enough soy milk to make the mixture combine, prolly half to 3/4 of a cup. I like Vitasoy Soy Milky Lite
Some kind of sweetness- I use either 8-10 drops of Stevia or 10 drops of agave syrup, depending on how sweet you want them to be*
10-20 Nuts to decorate, I like almond or pistachio.

Sift the flour into a bowl with a well in the centre.  In another bowl, melt the butter (or butter equivalent!), whisk the egg into this bowl, add all your wet ingredients. Mix the wet ingredients with the dry. Form into balls in the palm of your hand and place on a tray lined with baking paper. Press nuts of your choice on top.

*With this ammount of stevia/agave the biscuits won't actually taste sweet, so are also suitable for young children steering clear of refined sugars.

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